by Frances Ullrich | 28 Jan, 2025
I looove training in pet shops because they are a fairly quiet environment, giving you time to breathe and think while training. It’s been a year since Bonnie made her first visit to our locally owned pet store, Head to Tail Pets. Here are some tips for a...
by Frances Ullrich | 27 Sep, 2024
Here are three quick tips to consider that will help you decide whether your dog is ready to be off lead! Being off lead puts a lot of responsibility on your dog to hang out with you and listen to you over the exciting things in the environment, so it’s...
by Frances Ullrich | 11 Jul, 2024
I’m giving you permission to consider doing things differently… There are many dogs who have a meltdown at the sight of another dog (or person), get WAY over the top excited when they see you pick up their lead, or get nervous and shut down around things in the...
by Frances Ullrich | 12 Jun, 2024
by Frances Ullrich | 5 Mar, 2024
This week I had a stunning example of something I tell all of my clients with reactive or anxious dogs who bark, lunge or snap at other dogs or people. I always say: “If a training session with a reactive dog looks boring, you’re doing the right thing.” Below is a...
by Frances Ullrich | 4 Jan, 2024
So many people I meet in the course of my job tell me how they wish they’d known how to socialise their dog when it was a puppy because they realise now that their dog’s reactivity to dogs, over excitement when guests come over and anxiety in new situations could all...
by Frances Ullrich | 27 Dec, 2023
If you’re anything like me, there’s nothing worse than getting sharp little needle teeth all over you when all you want is to have a lovely play session with your gorgeous new puppy. Your puppy seems to just looove to latch onto your clothes, shoes and skin, rather...
by Frances Ullrich | 19 Dec, 2023
So you’ve picked the breed you’d just loooove to own, and the litter has been born, and it’s just a matter of choosing the right puppy for you. But how do you know which puppy is right? You dream of a puppy that will one-day fit into your family life just perfectly,...
by Frances Ullrich | 2 Jun, 2023
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Every time your dog does something ‘wrong’ it’s a training opportunity about to happen! Here’s an example… Cleon the German Shepherd was so excited on his one-on-one Accelerate...
by Frances Ullrich | 17 May, 2023
Are you ever discouraged because progress with your dog seems slow? Or have you given up all hope of there being a solution to the problems you’re struggling with – your dog doesn’t listen, they don’t respond to you as you wished for,...
by Frances Ullrich | 22 Mar, 2023
Sometimes you get to a point in our day when we just don’t feel like worrying about the dog right now. Maybe you’re wanting to put your feet up and your puppy wants to play. Maybe you’d like more brain space, but if you put them outside,...
by Frances Ullrich | 14 Feb, 2023
You probably walk your dog on a regular basis and maybe you experience frustration when your dog pulls you along, or when they seem to have to see and smell everything all at once. This makes walking them a job and not a way for you to relax. Here are two easy tips...
by Frances Ullrich | 6 Feb, 2023
Meet QUINN and ZOE with their amazing mum, Jacky! Quinn (Kelpie) and Zoe (Maremma cross) have come such a long way since we started together. They both grew up on the farm and lived quite independent lives, so that listening to their family was not really important to...
by Frances Ullrich | 13 Jan, 2023
Are you wanting to get your dog or puppy occupied by themselves for the next ten minutes or so? Watch the video below to see a quick and easy way to do that...
by Frances Ullrich | 16 Dec, 2022
Can all dogs be trained? Are some just too unruly to change? Are some breeds too slow at learning? The short answer is: Unless there is an underlying health issue that is causing serious problems, every dog is trainable – even if it may seem impossible! As the...
by Frances Ullrich | 30 Nov, 2022
Is your dog pulling? It’s so frustrating isn’t it! I totally get how it feels and there’s a simple way to train so that it will stop – soon! This is my personal favourite thing to help people with because the solution is so effective and lasts...
by Frances Ullrich | 30 Nov, 2022
As owners, we are responsible for making decisions for our dogs based on what we perceive is best for them. As a result, it is essential that we educate ourselves to endeavour to understand them as carefully as possible. (Visit my post on Body Language for more on...
by Frances Ullrich | 20 Oct, 2022
What do you do if your dog just refuses to listen to you? This is such a frustrating thing, but so many people struggle with it. As a result, I’ve decided to create a list of three things you can do to keep your dog’s attention! This is by no means exhaustive, but is...
by Frances Ullrich | 30 Aug, 2022
All breeds and ages of dogs can learn new things and training can have a huge positive impact on your life and your dog’s. Here are just a few of the reasons to do training with your dog. 1. No More Stress – for you or your dog Every dog needs to learn how to... by Frances Ullrich | 25 Jul, 2022
In this dog training QUICK TIP I show you how to use a Marker in training so that you can mark the exact moment your dog does what you want. This is one of the best ways to keep training fun for both of you! Learn how to capture the behaviours you want and reward your...