NO WALKS Today – It’s Okay!

NO WALKS Today – It’s Okay!

I’m giving you permission to consider doing things differently… There are many dogs who have a meltdown at the sight of another dog (or person), get WAY over the top excited when they see you pick up their lead, or get nervous and shut down around things in the...
Enrichment Series – #3 Junk Jumble

Enrichment Series – #3 Junk Jumble

Sometimes you get to a point in our day when we just don’t feel like worrying about the dog right now. Maybe you’re wanting to put your feet up and your puppy wants to play. Maybe you’d like more brain space, but if you put them outside,...
Leash Walking – Humour and Hope

Leash Walking – Humour and Hope

Is your dog pulling? It’s so frustrating isn’t it! I totally get how it feels and there’s a simple way to train so that it will stop – soon! This is my personal favourite thing to help people with because the solution is so effective and lasts...
5 Do’s and Don’ts for Puppy Owners

5 Do’s and Don’ts for Puppy Owners

Raising a puppy is a huge responsibility and can be very challenging, especially for a first-time owner, but at times even for an experienced owner! We need to be able to find the balance between suppressing a puppy’s personality and providing the puppy with set rules...
How Often Should You Really Wash Your Dog

How Often Should You Really Wash Your Dog

How frequently your dog needs a bath is dependent on a lot of things such as the dog’s breed, coat length and lifestyle. There is no true science to say when you should bath your dog, but you can make an educated guess based on three factors: their lifestyle, coat...
Foods Your Dog Shouldn’t Eat

Foods Your Dog Shouldn’t Eat

Admit it: you have a pretty good idea of what you should eat to stay healthy, but sometimes (or often) you catch yourself near the bottom of a bag of Doritos, wondering how you got there. You might decide once and for all, no more junk food for me. But like most of...
Nutrition for Dogs

Nutrition for Dogs

Many dogs are fed the very best commercial dog food available and are very happy and healthy. These dogs have very efficient digestive systems so that they don’t need as many of the essential nutrients lacking in even the best dry or tinned food. They are also very...